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Installation ​

pnpm add @busbud/tailwind-buddy

Setup compose function ​

Tailwind buddy expose a setupCompose function. Create a tailwind-buddy-interface.ts

import { setupCompose } from "@busbud/tailwind-buddy";

export type Screens = "sm" | "md";
export const screens: Screens[] = ["sm", "md"];
export const compose = setupCompose<Screens>(screens);

Tailwind merge or similar ​

You can use any function, such as tailwind-merge. We recommend using tailwind-merge.

This function takes a string of classes and returns a modified string. The main goal is to merge Tailwind classes to avoid style conflicts.


import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";

export const compose = setupCompose<Screens>(screens, twMerge);